Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sea creatures

Sometimes it feels like I'm underwater. Do you ever get the feeling that you've taken on too much? That your plate is very full and you don't even know where to start. Yeah, I have that feeling too. That monkey on my back. Watching me struggle and I can hear it laughing! Laughing at me! Argh! Well, I try not to let that feeling happen too often. I do tend to take on more tasks than I should but most of the time I'm able to finish them on time and they tend to turn out better than I hope. Yay. This new job has moments of that. When I think to myself, "Will I ever remember this?" or "Damn, when will I get this right?". Though, ultimately, I don't like being bored. I can't sit still. I can't do the same thing over and over again. I am not a data entry person. I have known that about myself for a very long time. I've even argued with my Mom about what kind of job I just can not do. I do enjoy my job. I get to interact with the staff, a lot. I get to problem solve. I get to make positive changes and put suggestions into effect. It's nice when I can do that. It empowers those that work here to be vested in the company. Nothing I can stand more than me feeling like this company belongs to me personally but the staff could care less. The come in, work and go home. To them, this is a job. To me it's a career. But being able to share my smiles and conversations helps to light the gloom. Well, time for me to go. Things to do. Just remember. No matter how bad it seems, there's always a light at the end of that dark tunnel. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. You may just need a few more steps that will help pull back the vale. Good luck, my fellow travelers.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Crafty expressions!

I am going to be making and baking today! There is something about this time of year. Something that tells me to stay home and do it myself. A few weeks ago, I made my own lip balm. It was much easier than I thought! I also baked about 4 dozen cookies. I feel like today will be a repeat of that. I received a new cook book in the mail and I'm so excited to try it out! I must extend heat thanks to my favorite Aunt for getting it for me. That was such a thoughtful gift! I'll be sure to take tons of pictures this time. I'm also going to try make lotion bars. Wish me luck since I haven't tried it before.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


I am prone to laughing fits. Crying, can't breath, hiccups - full on fits of laughter. I actually enjoy these moments. Crazy, manic slices of me. Just me. I'm not sure what is so appealing about them. The sense of giddiness, euphoric endorphin rush? The helplessness of not being able to stop? These moments have come at bad times before. Sitting in class, during serious conversations, funerals, serine settings. It can be any number of things that set me off but mostly the mundane and the tedium of my surrounding weighing me down. Jokes and humor are a way of coping, my way of coping. I think I get out from my dad. I can remember him trying to make me smile or laugh at a funeral when I was in 7th grade. I'm sure there were times before - memories in long forgotten dark places in my mind. I'm making it sounds morbid. That's not my intention. I find life funny. Moving and inspirational. I probably find more to smile at on any normal day than most people do. I think talking to yourself helps. I know that's odd but try it. Soon you'll be smiling at what you are doing and then laughing. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?!

Friday, December 26, 2014

My first thoughts

Contemplation of an Angel
Today is the first day of many. A good day to start a new blog. Getting started before the new year so that it isn't a failed new year's resolution. Good habits start with the best intentions. 

I am starting fresh with so many new things. My job is the largest change of recent months. I am still enjoying it. It does take time though but not enough that I can not keep this thing updated! 

My goal is to post life - pictures, sentiments, thoughts, crafts, baking and cooking, suggestions... 

Please let me know if there are any questions you have moving forward! I am here for all and everyone.